Pineapple Tomatillo Jam

Last year, I picked out some pineapple tomatillo seeds to grow. Little did I know what this would lead to. Pineapple tomatillos happen to be my husband, Lee, and one of my cat’s, Cameron, favorite thing that I grow.

To be clear, Cameron does not eat the fruit. She just enjoys picking it herself and playing soccer with her spoils.

The fruit is small; probably averaging around the size of a marble. It takes a while to gather up enough fruit to make a batch. I have 7 plants, but I only planted 3 this year. The other 4 are volunteers from last year. There would have been a lot more plants, but I couldn’t find seeds until late in the season this year.

It’s also known as ground cherries.


3 cups of pineapple tomatillos step 1

Cooking step 2

Final product Jam